Thursday, April 5, 2018

A little About Me and Why I'm In This Marketing Class...

I enrolled in Marketing 223 because I know it's one of the important business functions alongside, Accounting/Finance, Supply Chain Management, and Human Resources. The main focus of my education and my business goals are to eventually fall into the Accounting/Finance business function. Today in the business world I see a lot of cross-integration between the different business functions. Knowing this and getting training in all the different business functions will give me a competitive advantage in the workforce by being able to accurately and efficiently communicate between functions. This will be especially useful due to the rise of cross-function integrated information systems.

    Marketing interests me because it pertains to not only products and services but can also apply to marketing yourself, especially in our social media focused world. I believe being able to portray yourself in a professional and appropriate manner is very important in securing a job since the job market is becoming more and more competitive. My mentality is, you are a service to a business by being employed there, so market yourself as the gosh darn best service you can be. 

    A lot of my passion is in business and maximization in business environments, but that is too closely related to what I do while I'm at work and school so I will steer away from that. The little time that I do have outside of work and school I love to spend playing video games with friends and also exploring the natural parks we have around us. Video games have always been a part of my life and I think that is why they are so deeply ingrained into my leisure time. More interestingly I think is my love for nature because I didn't always appreciate it as much as I do today. I came about my love for nature and our natural parks after I realized how perishable they were... that they weren't always going to be there... This truth gave me a new mindset on nature and gave me a perspective where I could go there and admire what we have and how truly astonishing it is. In all honesty, I'm still exploring my passions and I seem to like a lot of things I would previously be dismissive towards, this excites me because this opens a lot of potential to experience new things that I otherwise wouldn't have. 

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